Are you confused between ReactJS and React Native? Which is better to choose for web development and mobile apps? Is it possible to reuse ReactJS code for React Native? Let’s discover the answer through this ReactJS vs React Native comparison article with Sosene!
ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library to build user interfaces, solve performance problems, and improve compatibility for web applications. React was first designed by Jordan Walke who is a software engineer working for Facebook, and originally implemented on Facebook’s newsfeed in 2011 and on in 2012.
Key Features
Currently, web developers consider ReactJS to be the ideal JavaScript framework. It plays a crucial part in the front-end ecosystem. The key features of ReactJS are as follows.
JSX is known as JavaScript XML. It is a syntax extension for JavaScript. This syntax is transformed into React Framework JavaScript calls. It expands ES6 to make HTML-like text and JavaScript react code to coexist. It is unnecessary to use JSX but recommended to use in ReactJS.
Components are the core of ReactJS. Each of the various components that make up a ReactJS application, and each has their own logic and controls. When working on more complex projects, these reusable components make it easier to maintain the code.
One-way Data Binding
If the data flow is in a different direction, then more features are needed. Because components are designed to be immutable, meaning that their data cannot be altered. Flux is a pattern that keeps your data unidirectional. This increases the application’s flexibility and efficiency.
Virtual DOM
Representation of the original DOM object is virtual DOM object. It operates as one-way data binding. Every time the web application is changed, the entire user interface will be re-rendered in virtual DOM representation. Then it compares the differences between the old DOM representation and the new DOM. When it is finished, the real DOM will update only the elements that have changed. This makes the program run faster and uses less memory.
ReactJS makes the application simple and easy to understand by using JSX files. ReactJS is a component-based methodology, which allows for flexible reuse of the code. This makes it easy to use and learn.
ReactJS is renowned for being a great performer. This feature makes it much better than other frameworks currently in use. The DOM is a cross-platform programming API that works with HTML, XML, or XHTML. The DOM is totally contained in memory. As a result, while creating a component, we did not write directly to the DOM. Instead, we are creating virtual components that will transform into the DOM, resulting in a smoother and quicker performance.
React Native
React Native is an open-source framework designed in 2015 by Facebook and used to develop mobile applications for iOS and Android. With the assistance of JavaScript, React Native operates smoothly on both Android and iOS platforms. Especially, just code once, React Native apps are always available on both iOS and Android platforms, that helps save a lot of time for developers.
Key Advantages
- Cross-Platform Usage: Offer the “Learn once, write everywhere” feature, which is compatible with both Android and iOS devices.
- Class Performance: The code created in React Native is compiled into native code, enabling it for both operating systems and ensuring that it performs identically on all platforms.
- JavaScript: Native mobile apps are created using knowledge of JavaScript.
- Community: React and React Native have a large community that enables us to discover any solution we need.
- Hot Reloading: Allows you to immediately observe a few changes to your app’s code while it is still in development. Whenever business logic is changed, the live reload will reflect on the screen
- Improving with Time: The community is constantly developing the best practices, and some aspects of iOS and Android are currently unsupported.
- Native Components: If you want to create native functionality that hasn’t yet been designed yet, you will need to write some platform-specific code.
Major Differences Between ReactJS and React Native
ReactJS and React Native have many similarities, but they also vary in notable differences as well. Let’s have a look:
- ReactJS is a base derivative of React DOM for the web platform but React Native is a base derivative in itself. As a result, the syntax and workflow are maintained but the components change in React Native.
- React Native is a complete framework for developing cross-platform apps for the web, iOS, and Android, whereas ReactJS is a JavaScript toolkit that allows programmers to construct an engaging and high-performance UI Layer.
- React Native uses native APIs to render components on mobile devices, while ReactJS uses virtual DOM to render browser code.
- A stylesheet is used for styling in React Native while CSS is used for creating styling in ReactJS.
- ReactJS is the greatest choice if you need to build a high performing, dynamic, and responsive user experience for a web interface; however, React Native is the best choice if you want to make mobile apps seem as native as possible.
Both ReactJS and React Native are important pieces for web development and mobile applications. They also have their different uses and features, and each framework has some limitations too. Therefore, giving pros and cons based on your business demand before making a decision is necessary.
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