Our price crawler website application helps customer collect competitors’ price information and displays all in one UI. All you need to do is to observe the data to reveal your rivals’ long-term strategies. Our customer contacted us, we convinced them with practical solutions and suitable needs with the latest technologies. Therefore, they decided to use our website application development service.
This website application is a project about crawler content from retailer sites specializing in the sale of guns in the US. Then based on the formula as well as specific operations to provide the user with the best price of the product and the user needs.
Why retailers need advanced price-crawling software
Businesses which operate across several markets with different languages, prices, currencies and selling channels require extremely flexible and powerful web crawler tools to collect product data.
Every market has a set of competitors to monitor and entails a different strategy.
Besides, very often businesses upgrade their anti-scanning software or update their websites, which means that retailers need to maintain their web crawler software for price comparison constantly updated.
Technologies used
Project Team Members
- BA – 1 person
- BackEnd – 5 people
- FrontEnd – 3 people
- Devops – 1 person
- Tester – 2 people
- Project Manager – 1 person
- Product Owner – 1 person